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Department of Animal Husbandry, Kupang State Agricultural Polytechnic, Herman Yohanes Street, Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia


This research was aimed to evaluate the productivity of native pasture in Timor Island by introducing various palatable species. The study was carried out on native pasture in Tuatuka, Timor Island for seven months. The study was performed by using randomized block design (RBD) with eight treatments (S0: no introduction, S1: Cynodon dactilon, S2: Dicanthium aristatum, S3: C. plectotachyus, S4: Brachiaria decumbens, S5: Desmanthus virgatus, S6: Macroptilium atropurpureum, S7: Clitoria ternatea) with four replications. Procedures on this study include trial plots preparation, tillers preparation for each species, introduction of species in trial plots, maintenance and observation of the productivity. Variables observed were forage production (fresh and dry matter (DM) in ton/ha), nutrient content (%) and stock capacity (animal unit (AU)/ha). Data were analyzed for variance based on RBD and followed by Duncan’s test. Analysis of variance showed that introduction of species had a very significant effect (p < 0.01) on all observed variables. The introduction of M. atropurpureum produced the highest fresh forage (2.1 t/ha) and DM production (0.69 t/ha). M. atropurpureum also had the highest DM content (43.61%), nitrogen free extract (52.52%) and stock capacity (1.06 AU/ha). The highest crude protein and crude fiber content were found in D. virgatus (4.31% and 36.62%). The highest extract ether was observed in D. aristatum (1.48%). No introduction had the lowest productivity, but demonstrated the highest ash content. The introduction of palatable species increased the productivity of native pasture in Timor and M. atropupureum was the best introduced species.


Species introduction, legume, Macroptilium atropurpureum, native pasture in Timor, forage production, grass, dry land.

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